Our Services


Our infrared sauna disperses near, mid, and far-infrared heat. It is combined with many of our therapies for the added value it brings to healing and recovery.

Infrared heat has many known benefits.
The sweat from traditional saunas is 95% to 97% water, with the rest being salt.
In a far-infrared sauna, 80-85% of the sweat is water, and the non-water portion of sweat contains cholesterol, liposoluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, and uric acid.

In addition to detoxification, the infrared sauna can provide the following benefits:

which can help repair injuries and tissue damage. Infrared heat has been shown to burn up to 600 calories in a single session by increasing blood flow and heart rate.

With all the benefits of using an infrared sauna, our approach incorporates sauna use as a fundamental preparatory step for many of our services. The support provided by the infrared sauna in healing and revitalizing the body allows us to maximize the effectiveness of our therapies.


Chiropractic care at APOLO Wellness Center focuses on what our clients value most in their lives: enjoying life to the fullest without pain.

Often, injuries, aches, discomfort, and lack of mobility hinder our ability to enjoy the things that motivate us. The recovery of full body functionality and achieving peak performance has always been at the core of APOLO’s identity. This can only be accomplished through a rigorous assessment and comparative testing to establish a baseline that serves as a guide for continuous and objective improvement.

That’s why chiropractic care is the first step in our system. Postural exams and functional, neuromuscular, and orthopedic muscle testing identify deficiencies in range of motion and neuromuscular activation patterns. Correcting these inefficiencies, without compromising quality or safety, sets the foundation for proper development.

Our customer-centered formula is detail-oriented and encompasses these elements along with soft tissue therapy, which sets us apart from the traditional chiropractic model. This systematic approach allows us to understand the body’s dysfunctions and paves the way for calculated rehabilitation. In other words, we’ll get you back in the game so you can do what you love.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy refers to a “hands-on” approach to treating pain and injuries in the body through passive movements of joints and soft tissues. The purpose of manual therapy is to help mobilize joints, break up scar tissue, remove restrictions, increase range of motion, reprogram neuromuscular connections, reduce pain, and normalize a person’s overall body function.

Manual therapy can encompass a wide range of techniques and disciplines such as cupping, massage, joint mobilizations, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilizations (IASTM), myofascial release, and active release techniques (ART), just to name a few. A combination of these personalized techniques forms the core of Apolo’s philosophy, and as a result, it provides unparalleled results.

Some commonly used elements:


Allows the patient to relax their entire body in just a few minutes. By relieving body tension, the patient can make the most of their therapy session, optimizing time.


Used to decompress muscle tissue. Manual therapy involves applying pressure to the skin and tissues, and cupping creates an effect of “lifting” these tissues from the muscle, providing an immediate sense of relief.

This method increases blood flow to the area where it’s placed (which is why marks are often left), and by bringing blood from our body to that area, the body itself generates relief and recovery, helping reduce inflammation in the area.

Technically, it releases fascia, induces local bleeding, and the body’s own mechanisms promote the recovery of the area.

Graston Technique

This is also used to release fascia, induce local bleeding, and the body’s own mechanisms promote recovery in the area. It’s another technique with the same objective.

The difference lies in the technique and the fact that it comes in different sizes, making it possible to target much more specific areas.

Active Therapy

These are sessions in motion, where the patient performs exercises with a plan specially designed for them by a professional from our staff, who also accompanies them throughout the session.

Active therapy is a fundamental part of our recovery plan based on the APOLO METHOD, which has the fundamental principle that movement is essential for health and optimal body function.

Therefore, active therapy focuses on improving strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination through specific exercises and activities. It also promotes the active participation of the patient in their own recovery process, empowering them and making them an active agent in their well-being.

This approach breaks away from the passive mentality of the patient, where they wait for the physiotherapist, chiropractor, or therapist to “fix them.” Instead, it encourages personal responsibility and empowerment in taking actions to promote one’s own health, making the patient an active agent in their well-being.

Active therapy is tailored to the individual needs and preferences of the patient, using a variety of techniques and exercise modalities that are safe, effective, and meaningful to the patient.

Active therapy not only focuses on resolving current dysfunction but also cares about preventing future health issues and promoting long-term health through an active and mindful lifestyle.

Localized cryotherapy

Localized cryotherapy delivers cold air at temperatures ranging from -25°F to -40°F to a specific muscle or joint area for approximately 2 to 3 minutes.

Localized cryotherapy helps:
Localized cryotherapy initiates a cold shock to the body, which then activates the body’s natural ability to repair itself.

When exposed to cold, the body begins to pump blood from all over the body to the cold area, resulting in a massive return of regenerative blood supply that floods the target area, and rewarming occurs quickly after application. This process stimulates the self-repair process.

Stimulating the self-repair process facilitates faster recovery and better pain management.

Localized cryotherapy can be ideal for localized pain in the back, neck, hamstrings, ankle, knee, wrist, or elbow.

Normatec Boots

NormaTec recovery systems are state-of-the-art commercial-grade compression devices that enhance the body’s natural recovery capabilities.

Using NormaTec full-length compression attachments for legs, arms, or hips rejuvenates muscle tissue by improving blood flow and accelerates recovery by drastically reducing tension and pain.

NormaTec’s PULSE massage pattern employs three key techniques:

1) Pulsing: to move fluid out of the limbs

2) Gradients: to maintain pressures and prevent fluids from being forced in the wrong direction.

3) Distal release: to release retained pressures as soon as they are no longer needed and as quickly as possible to allow each limb segment maximum rest time without long pauses between compression cycles. When used as part of a rehabilitation protocol, NormaTec helps accelerate recovery, improve outcomes, and increase patient satisfaction.